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- Mostafizur Mostak Rahman | Empower New Energy
Mostafizur Mostak Rahman Organizational Support Associate Junaid gère les opérations financières pour les projets, y compris la budgétisation, les rapports financiers et le suivi des investissements. Cela inclut la préparation des états financiers, la conduite de recherches, le suivi des dépenses et le respect des réglementations en vigueur. Junaid a trois ans d'expérience en tant que comptable, principalement à Lahore, au Pakistan. Il a obtenu son diplôme à la BI Norwegian Business School et est titulaire d'un master en informatique de la Christiania Høyskole. Retour
Politique de confidentialité Version 1.0 Dernière mise à jour : Septembre 2019 Disclaimer This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describe s how Empower New Energy AS (“Empower”) collects and uses your personal information, and the rights and choices available to you regarding such information. This Policy covers Empower’s treatment of personal data in its capacity as asset manager of Empower Invest AS (“Empower Invest”), a limited liability company incorporated in Norway for the sole purpose of raising funding for carrying out renewable energy projects in emerging markets. As such, this Policy applies only to Empower and does not apply to affiliated or linked companies or websites. 1 Data Controller Empower collects data either for itself or on behalf of Empower Invest. Both Empower and Empower invest are data controllers in that they determine the purposes for and the means by which personal data is processed. However, Empower acts as the processor in that it processes data on behalf of itself or Empower Invest. The relationship between Empower as the processor and Empower Invest as a controller is governed by a Data Processing Agreement. The person responsible for the processing and treatment of such data within Empower is the Information Officer. 2 What information we collect Information collected from investors, partners and clients Empower collects either for itself or on behalf of Empower Invest personal data from its investors, partners and clients, which may include: Names, title, address, mobile, and email addresses Financial statements and annual accounts Copies of passports or driver’s license or company registration or certificate Articles of association, shareholding agreements, certificate of registration or similar, and certified copy of utility bill or tax return Empower may collect additional personal data that is necessary for the delivery of agreed upon services or the implementation of the specific agreement entered into with Empower or Empower Invest. Information collected from website users Empower uses Google Analytics on our website to track visitor behavior. This information is used to get information on the number of visitors view the website and to better understand how such website visitors find and use the Empower website, and how such visitors navigate the pages on the Empower website. From your accessing of the Empower website, Google Analytics stores information about your geographical location, device, browser, and operating system. Empower receives this information in aggregated form, so it cannot be used to track your behavior or usage individually. Google Analytics also collects your IP address, but this is anonymous and cannot be used by Empower to identify you. You can read more about Google Analytics here and read their Privacy Policy here . 3 How we collect your information Most of the data we collect is provided directly by you. We store the personal data you have submitted to our website or sign up forms or to any of our employees or representatives with regards to entering into and implementing an agreement with Empower or Empower Invest. Empower may also receive your data indirectly from third party electronic sources including company registries or other websites. 4 Why we collect your information Legitimate interest. Empower collects your information to be able to implement and execute agreements entered into with Empower or Empower Invest. Legal requirements. Empower is an unauthorized Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”) of Empower Invest and registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (“Finanstilsynet”). To register as an AIFM, Finanstilsynet requires us to collect certain personal data from our investors to fulfill the requirements related to Anti Money Laundering (AML), Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). Additionally, in order to comply with its Integrity and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) Policy, Empower will conduct checks on all those persons or entities with which it enters into a business relationship. 5 Where we store your information Empower stores your personal data securely in our internal database using Dropbox. You can read Dropbox’s Privacy Policy here . Furthermore, Empower stores all client personal data in the Empower Gateway, the project due diligence and document management system owned by Wrike. You can read Wrike’s Privacy Policy here . 6 Sharing personal information with third-parties Empower will share with Empower Invest all personal data necessary for the implementation and fulfilment of its agreements with partners, investors and clients. In addition, Empower will also share such personal data and information with its professional advisors and consultants and actual and potential investors for the purpose of carrying out due diligence checks and Know-Your-Customer and other integrity checks. Beyond this, Empower will not share or sell or in any other way transfer personal data to other parties, unless we legally obliged to do so. 7 Use of cookies Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you visit the Empower website, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. For further information, please visit . Empower uses cookies on the Empower website to collect information about visitor behaviour. This information is used to better understand how you use the Empower website and to improve its functionality and usability. This way, Empower can improve your experience on our website and to ensure the best service. The information we collect using cookies is aggregated data on visitor behavior, so the data collected cannot be used to identify you or track your movements individually. The website is built using The system implements different cookies to control how content is displayed, to track the different visitors, and to ensure security on the site. Furthermore, the site applies cookies to implement features for sharing our articles on different social network platforms. You can read’s Privacy Policy here . Empower does not treat information obtained through cookies or similar technology as personal data. To the extent that the IP address or similar indicators are seen as personal data, we will treat these indicators as personal data. Similarly, to the extent that non-personal data is combined with personal data, we will treat the combined data as personal data. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. If you do not want this, you can change the settings of your browser so that it blocks cookies from Please be aware that this may affect the functionality of our website. 8 Newsletter Empower would like to send you newsletters with information about our company, projects and partners that we think might be of interest to you. If you have agreed through an opt in arrangement to receive our newsletter, you may always choose to unsubscribe at a later date. You have the right at any time to stop Empower from contacting you for marketing or communication purposes. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please send an email to . 9 Your rights concerning your personal information We treat your personal data in accordance with the Norwegian Personal Data Act and all applicable regulations as may be updated from time to time. Should you have a complaint against Empower in the way in which your personal data is being handled by Empower, please contact The Norwegian Data Protection Authority (“Datatilsynet ”) to report your complaint. Please note your rights, which include the following: You have the right to request from Empower copies of your personal data held by Empower. We may charge you a small fee for this service. You have the right to request that Empower corrects any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request us to complete information you believe is incomplete. You have the right to request that Empower erases your personal data, under certain conditions. You have the right to object to Empower’s processing of your personal data, under certain conditions. You have the right to request that Empower transfers the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions. If you make a request, Empower will respond to you within the prescribed period. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact information at the end of this Privacy Policy in paragraph 12 below. 10 Data retention Information obtained by Empower is stored in our systems for as long as you or your company continue to have a relationship with Empower and/or Empower Invest. 11 Security Empower’s website uses https for encryption which provides safe communication between our server and your computer. The encryption ensures that only our server can read what you submit to our website, and only your computer can read what is sent by the server. To check if a website is encrypted with https, look for https instead of http in the url. 12 Contacting us Should you have any questions or enquiries, please contact us using one of the two methods below. Email: By Post or in Person: Empower New Energy AS, Snarøyveien 20, 1360 Fornebu, Oslo, Norway
- George Ndubi | Empower New Energy
George Ndubi East Africa lead Fort de plus de neuf ans d´expérience, George Ndubi est un gestionnaire chevronné des actifs, opérations et de la maintenance. Sa connaissance des systèmes solaires et de l'ingénierie électrique apporte une contribution significative aux pratiques d'exploitation et de maintenance d'Empower New Energy. George est titulaire d'un diplôme d'ingénieur électricien et sa licence d'ingénieur solaire T3 délivrée par EPRA Kenya témoigne de son engagement à respecter les normes les plus strictes en matière de professionnalisme et d'expertise dans le domaine de l'énergie solaire. Retour
- Arwa Temim | Empower New Energy
Arwa Temim Chief Commercial Officer Arwa gère le développement et le déploiement des investissements dans l'énergie solaire en Afrique du Nord. Sa mission comprend la définition de buts et d'objectifs commerciaux, la négociation des contrats d'investissement, le suivi des projets et la garantie du respect des lois et réglementations applicables. Arwa est ingénieure et titulaire d'un MBA de la BI Norwegian Business School. Elle possède une solide expérience en développement commercial, principalement au sein de la compagnie pétrolière norvégienne DNO AS, travaillant à la fois en Norvège et dans la région du Golfe. Arwa est basée en Tunisie. Retour
- Charlotte Nanyaro | Empower New Energy
Charlotte Nanyaro Investment Management Trainee Travaillant depuis notre bureau de Lagos, Robo dirige et gère les projets de leur conception à leur cloture. Cela comprend la planification des projets, la collecte de documentation afin d'assurer la due diligence, l'appui aux équipes de projet, le suivi des progrès réalisés et la garantie d'une mise en œuvre réussie. Robo a une expérience variée en tant que consultant en gestion, responsable du marketing et conseiller en finance climatique au Nigeria. Retour
- Terje Osmundsen | Empower New Energy
Terje Osmundsen Chief Executive Officer En tant que PDG, Terje est en charge de la direction et de l'orientation des investissements dans le domaine de l'énergie solaire. Ses missions comprennent l'élaboration et l'exécution de plans stratégiques, la gestion des budgets, la supervision du personnel et la prise de décisions relatives aux investissements de l'entreprise. Au cours des huit années passées à la tête du développement commercial de Scatec Solar, Terje a acquis une expérience distinctive en matière de développement de l'énergie solaire sur les marchés émergents. Son expérience en matière de direction s'étend à de grands groupes internationaux tels que Kvaerner, Telenor, Saga Petroleum et Alcatel, ainsi qu'au domaine de l'édition et à des groupes de réflexion. Il est un membre expérimenté de conseils d'administration non exécutifs et siège actuellement au conseil d'administration d´entreprises de technologies propres SolarDuck et Norsk e-Fuel. Terje a également exercé en politique auprès du gouvernement, notamment en tant que conseiller politique principal du Premier ministre. Terje est un auteur reconnu, un leader d'opinion et un conférencier. Retour
- Orjan Alexander Pedersen | Empower New Energy
Ørjan Alexander Pedersen Chief Operations Officer Ørjan gère les opérations et les activités commerciales de l'entreprise, notamment l´évaluation de propositions de projets, la négociation de contrats et la gestion des relations avec les clients. Il est également chargé d'identifier les opportunités de nouveaux investissements et d'élaborer des stratégies visant à accroître les revenus et la rentabilité. Ørjan est un professionnel et entrepreneur expérimenté dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, avec 10 ans d'expérience internationale en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique. Il a notamment occupé le poste de responsable de l'administration et de la stratégie à Solar World Korea/ Solar Park Korea et créé une entreprise d'importation d'équipements d'énergie solaire en Afrique du Sud. Il a également créé avec succès une entreprise commune avec Wuxi Suntech et mis en place SunTrust, un fonds d'investissement commercial dans l'énergie solaire. Retour
- Susan Scanelli Cook | Empower New Energy
Susie Scannelli Cook Chief Investment and Legal Officer Susie est basée à Londres et supervise le processus d'investissement au niveau des projets et des portefeuilles. Elle est une spécialiste de nombreux aspects du financement du développement, dont les structures de la dette et les investissements en actions jusqu'à la mobilisation de capitaux par le biais d'émissions d'obligations et de fonds d'investissement. Elle a travaillé sur des projets complexes en Europe de l'Est, en Turquie, dans les Balkans, en Afrique et en Asie, en particulier dans le secteur de l'électricité et de l'énergie. Susie est une avocate spécialisée en finance. Elle a acquis une vingtaine d'années d'expérience en cabinet privé chez SJ Berwin et Freshfields à Londres et au Vietnam, en interne au Crédit Suisse et, plus récemment, en tant que directrice associée et conseillère principale au siège londonien de la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement. Retour
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- VIDEOS | Empower New Energy
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- Videos 1234 | Empower New Energy
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